Yoga & Transformation

Yoga Poses for Upper Back Pain

We always complain about upper back pain by sitting at our desk for longer hours, spending so much time on our phone, computer and driving in a car.

Continues sitting and looking at our phone or computer, our sitting pose is really bad, leading to tightness in the shoulders and neck.

These few yoga poses will help to reverse the effects of sitting and poor posture by releasing the tightnessof the shoulders and the upper back that surround the thoracic spine.


Cat-Cow | 5 breaths

  • Start with a tabletop position on your hands and knees. Stack your shoulders over your wrists and both legs your hips apart.
  • On an inhale, Gaze forward, drop your belly and tilt your tailbone towards the sky and come to Cow pose. Feel a stretch through your abdomen.
  • Exhale and roll your shoulder, Chin to chest to come into cat pose. Draw your navel towards your spine. Press the ground away and feel a stretch through your mid and upper back.
  • Continue flowing between your cow and cat pose for 5 rounds of breath.

Thread The Needle | 5 breaths per side

  • Start with a tabletop position with your wrists stacked under your shoulders.
  • Inhale as you lift your right arm up off the mat and twist it towards the sky.
  • Exhale and thread your right arm under your left. Let your right shoulder rest on the mat.
  • Walk your left fingers towards the top of your mat and feel a stretch on the inside of your right shoulder blade.
  • Hold for 5 slow breaths, then come back to your tabletop and switch sides.

Double V Pose | 5 breaths per side

  • Place a block at the top of your mat and lie down on your belly.
  • Prop yourself up onto your forearms and engage your abs.
  • Turn your right forearm across your mat so that your fingers point to the left side of your mat.
  • Turn your left forearm in front of your right forearm and point your left fingers towards the right side of your mat. Shift your chest so that it is directly above your forearms.
  • Walk your fingers towards the edges of your mat so that your arms are crossed directly underneath your chest.
  • Bring your forehead to rest down on the block and close your eyes. Hold for 8 breaths, then switch sides.


Child’s Pose with Side Stretch | 5 breaths per side

  • Start with a tabletop position.
  • Bring your feet together and widen your knees towards the edges of your mat.
  • Sit your hips back onto your heels and then walk your hands towards top of your mat, lowering your chest towards the floor. Let your forehead rest on the mat.
  • Walk your hands over to the right edge of your mat and gently press your hips towards the left to feel a stretch through your left side.
  • Hold for 5 breaths, then switch sides.

Eagle Arms | 5 breaths

  • Fold your legs and Sit in Vajrasana on your mat with your legs together and your hips resting on your heels. Engage your abs.
  • Wrap your right arm under your left, then wrap your forearms to grab your palms. If this isn’t possible, place each hand on the opposite shoulder.
  • Lift your elbows up in line with your shoulders and press your forearms forwards. You should feel a stretch through the upper back and shoulders.
  • Hold for 5 breaths.

Supine Twist | 5 breaths per side

  • Lie down on your back and hug your right knee towards your chest.
  • Place your right arm out side with your palm facing down.
  • Place your left hand on your right knee and bring your right leg towards left across your body to come into your supine twist. Make sure you do not lift your right shoulder. Gaze towards right.
  • Hold for 5 breaths, then switch sides.

Supported Fish Pose | Relax up to 5 minutes

  • Place a yoga block on the medium height across the top of your mat. Then place another block underneath it on the same height so that it is going vertically down your mat. The blocks should be a few inches apart.
  • Sit in front of the bottom block about a foot and a half. Then, use your hands to lower yourself down onto the blocks. The bottom block should rest between your shoulder blades, and the top block supports your head.

Bring your arms to rest down alongside your body with your palms facing up. Straighten your legs long down yourmat. Close your eyes and relax for upto 5 minutes.

Core Awakening

Core Awakening – All Asanas that are primarily focused on the activation of muscles in the abdominal core. As the core is strengthened, opened and refined, it becomes a source of balance, stability, ease and levity. Core awakening practice generally warm the body while bring in to more targeted warming to the spine, pelvis, belly and back. Deep and sustained core awakening  practices are largely contraindicated for pregnant women and should be approached very gingerly by people with lower back issues.


Yoga & Migraines

Migraines and Other Headaches


  • Coffee, Tea, Colas and other beverages containing caffeine.


  • Alcohol, especially red wine, vermouth, champagne and beer.
  • Any food shown to trigger your attacks.

Known Migraine Triggers

The triggers that can set off a migraine vary widely from one person to another. A number of the following triggers can be avoided entirely; others can at least be minimized.

  • Environmental triggers : These include glare, bright lights, loud noises, strong odors, cigarette smoke, and changes in temperature, weather, or altitude.
  • Hormonal triggers: These are experienced by women and are usually related to the menstrual cycle; they can also be caused by the use of estrogen supplements or high-estrogen oral contraceptives.
  • Activity triggers: These include irregular or no exercise, inadequate or excessive sleep, eyestrain and motion sickness.
  • Emotional triggers : These tend to be the negative ones, such as anger, resentment, depression, fatigue, anxiety and stress.
  • Dietary triggers : These may be the easiest to control. Keep a food diary, note what foods seem to prompt symptoms and then eliminate them. Eat regular meals, because hunger or a low blood sugar can trigger a headache.

How yoga can impact migraines

Yoga is more than just physical fitness. Yoga brings joy, peace, steadiness & calmness to your mind and body. And through certain poses of yoga, you can ailments anxiety, depression, and pain. People and Technologyat its best-3

Migraines are more intense than common headaches. They’re typically characterized by a throbbing pain on one side of the head. They’re often accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

Not only is yoga a holistic approach to fighting migraines as they’re happening, it’s also a proactive approach to reduce the pain.




Healing With Reiki


Book your appointment at Yoga4U for a one hour reiki session! Reiki will detox your mind and body and help you experience the healing of your inner self.


In Yin Yoga, you let go of any tension, resistance and tightness you have in your body and melt on your yoga mat. When practicing Yin yoga, the goal is not to find a deeper

variation of each pose. The goal is instead to let go of control. When we do this, something beautiful happens. When we let go of control, the body softens and the depth we were striving for occurs naturally and comfortably.
Know that you created this inward silence. Accept this peaceful quietude into your heart, and know that it will only grow deeper as you grow in your practice of yoga’s quiet side — Yin yoga.

New Class Announcement

Hello everyone,

Yoga4U is pleased to announce that we are now offering weekend Yoga classes which run Saturday and Sunday mornings from 8:30-9:30 am. IMG_0253This is a great opportunity to refresh and detox during the weekend with the spirit of yoga.

Check out pricing and further details on our website @ Looking forward to continuing the spiritual journey with you all and sharing the mutual passion for yoga!

Yoga4U – The Yoga & Reiki Studio



When we talk about stress, we are usually referring to tension/emotional distress. fullsizeoutput_332f
Medically, stress means any condition/situation which can strain on the body. The sources can be a physical illness or injury, as well as numerous psychological factors including fear, feelings of anger or frustration and even unusual happiness.

Tips for eating during stressful periods:

There is no diet can make stress disappear. But you can change your eating habits during stressful times:fullsizeoutput_3331

  • Eat breakfast. If you are running on empty, stress can be more difficult to handle.
  • Eat slowly. Eating quickly is often associated with digestive upset and this coupled with stress can make your food difficult to digest.
  • Don’t diet. Changing eating habits is stressful at the best of times.
  • Limit your intake of caffeine & alcohol. They can affect your mood and sleep patterns. Alcohol can also heighten feelings of depression.
  • Listen to your body and avoid foods that cause you discomfort for digestive upset.

The De-stress & Stretch WorkoutFacetune_10-07-2018-13-25-20

Slowly and gently move into the yoga postures below. Once you’ve settled into the full pose, focus on slow, controlled and deep breathing from your belly, inhaling to a count of five
and exhaling to a count of three. Take five to ten deep and slow breaths in each pose (on both sides when applicable) before
moving onto the next.



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